It was great to see a photo of copies of “Sacred Stairway” on sale in the United Kingdom. Soon this volume will be available around the world.
Malta to USA
“Sacred Stairway” is due to arrive in the UK warehouse this month after being printed in Malta. It should be in the USA towards the end of September.
Release in August and September
The publisher, George Ronald Publisher, says “Sacred Stairway” will be available in the UK in August and the USA in September—- and you can order directly from the publisher.
Ready for printers
Good news! The third volume in my trilogy telling the story of the Shrine of the Bab is ready to go to the printers. "Sacred Stairway" takes the story up to 2001 but there is a bonus annex too that moves it to 2011.
Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Baha
This year is historic because (i) it marks the Bicentenary of the birth of the Bab, and (ii) The Universal House of Justice has announced its plans to build the Shrine of the ‘Abdu’l-Baha near the Ridvan Gardens, and appointed its architect, Mr Hossein Amanat. There are references to the Shrine of the Master on p. 277 of "Journey to a Mountain", footnote 76., and in "Coronation on Carmel" see pp 20-21 and footnotes 23 to 3 and in “Coronation on Carmel” (Chapter 3, pp 20-21. In the forthcoming “Sacred Stairway” there are references to Mr Amanat and his design of the Seat of the Universal House of Justice, and to the other buildings on the Arc which he designed.
Good news! The first two volumes in the trilogy telling the story of the Shrine of the Bab are being translated into Spanish.
Final stages
The final stages of preparing Volume III, “Sacred Stairway”, for publication are now underway. All going well, it should be available about June 2019.
Manuscript arrived
The manuscript of the third volume is now in the hands of May Hofman, of George Ronald Publisher, who will edit it.
Third book
Editing of the completed manuscript for the third book in this trilogy will begin this month.The book covers the period 1963-2001 and so tells the dramatic story of the planning, construction and opening of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Bab. It will be available in April next year.
Visit to resting place
On 9 August 2018 I visited the grave of Dr Ugo Giachery, a Hand of the Cause, in the grounds of the Baha'i House of Worship in Samoa. Dr Giachery is a key figure in "Coronation on Carmel", and I felt blessed to be able to pray at his grave in such an exquisitely beautiful setting.