Journey to a Mountain




'An exhilarating read, a meticuously researched book. .. I was drawn in and needed to continue.'

~  Dr Janet A. Khan, author of Prophet's Daughter




Journey to a Mountain is the thrilling, easy-to-read story of the golden-domed Shrine of the Báb, which stands in exquisite garden terraces on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel.

A  World Heritage site, the Shrine of the Báb is a symbol of the Bahá’í Faith, a world religion that envisions a peaceful global society based on the principle of the oneness of humanity.


For the first time the dramatic story of the establishment of the Shrine is told in detail. Never-before-seen photos and maps illustrate the often pulsating narrative.


By uncovering materials in English, Persian and Turkish, and by piecing together vital pieces of information, a compelling story has emerged of astounding achievement amidst great peril. It begins with the rescue of the sacred remains of the great spiritual leader, the Báb, Who had been executed in Persia in 1850 for His teachings.


Heart-stopping moments of apprehension punctuate the next 48 years as the casket containing the remains are hidden from those wanting to destroy them.


Then comes the highly secret process of carrying the casket across mountains, desert and sea to the Holy Land. Waiting for them is a prisoner of the Ottoman Empire, the commanding and charismatic ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (1844–1921).


He outwits His jailers and builds a Shrine in the heart of Mount Carmel where in 1909 He inters the sacred remains of the Báb. By so doing, He fulfilled a directive issued in 1891 by the Prophet-Founder of the Bahá’í Faith, Bahá’u’lláh (1817–1892).


This stand-alone book will soon be followed by two others taking the story up to the early years of the 21st century.






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